Christopher J. Kane, P.C.
ClaimedLawyers and Law Firms


Address 2207 NE Broadway St. 100, Portland, OR, United States 97232

Business Details

Phone Number503-380-7822

Address 2207 NE Broadway St. 100, Portland, OR, United States 97232

Christopher J Kane PC Legal Advice for Business Entity Formation

Once you have decided on the right entity for you, I can assist you in preparing the entity’s formation documents. These include filings made with the Oregon Secretary of State, other required state licensing, as necessary, and initial IRS and Oregon Department of Revenue paperwork. Visit website or call us at 503-380-7822 for more details.

Lily Reed

Christopher J. Kane, P.C.
ClaimedLawyers and Law Firms


Address 2207 NE Broadway St. 100, Portland, OR, United States 97232

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